Sunday 8 February 2015

My crafty past!

As mentioned I have a history of enjoying getting my craft on and dabbling in a bit of DIY. It's rare that I don't have a project on the go or one in the pipe works. And if I don't it's probably because the "serious stuff" in life is invading the time I have for such luxuries and pleasures as hobbies and creating. Wouldn't it be wonderful if my hobbies became my "serious stuff" (I'm working on that).

Prior to motherhood I was a teacher which was the perfect outlet for getting my creative fix. Since motherhood I have had several exciting roles which have kept me busy for intermittent periods of time and during this time I have discovered the joy of using my creativity for my kids, my family, my friends benefit and to beautify my environment.

Here's a sample collection of a few of my previous projects, some more successful than others.

Click on the link below. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shell. Love the idea that you are capturing the joy of projects within a blog. Looking forward to seeing more of your creativity, and your inspiration as you apply your talents to your making your home a place you adore. xx
